BiteBuddy: Your Best Friend in Eating Disorder Recovery

BiteBuddy: Your Best Friend in Eating Disorder Recovery

Project Type

Independent project from Google UX Design Certificate

Project Type

Independent project from Google UX Design Certificate


July - September



July - September 2022

My Role

UX Designer

  • wireframing

  • prototyping

  • usability studies

  • design iteration

  • accessibility consideration

My Role

UX Designer

  • wireframing

  • prototyping

  • usability studies

  • design iteration

  • accessibility consideration

UX Researcher

  • user research

  • persona

UX Researcher

  • user research

  • persona



01 Objective

01 Objective

To manage eating disorder recovery and provide resources

To manage eating disorder recovery and provide resources

Bite Buddy is an app to help people navigate to a healthier relationship with food. This app empowers users to take control of their journey, whether they're seeking knowledge about eating disorders or a supportive tool for recovery.

Bite Buddy is an app to help people navigate to a healthier relationship with food. This app empowers users to take control of their journey, whether they're seeking knowledge about eating disorders or a supportive tool for recovery.

02 Challenge

02 Challenge

Eating disorders are impacting more people and it's hard to recover

Eating disorders are impacting more people and it's hard to recover

Eating disorders, a growing issue in today's society, impact people of all ages. Overcoming an eating disorder is challenging and requires time, perseverance, and professional support. No worries, Bite Buddy is here to help!

Eating disorders, a growing issue in today's society, impact people of all ages. Overcoming an eating disorder is challenging and requires time, perseverance, and professional support. No worries, Bite Buddy is here to help!

Design Problem

Design Problem

How might we help people struggling with eating disorders to access more resources and be empowered during their recovery?

How might we help people struggling with eating disorders to access more resources and be empowered during their recovery?

03 Solution

03 Solution

BiteBuddy: Your Reliable Friend in Eating Disorder Recovery

BiteBuddy: Your Reliable Friend in Eating Disorder Recovery

BiteBuddy is an app to help people struggling with eating disorders by improving access to mental healthcare and increase knowledge. Let's take a quick look at the primary features of our reliable friend here.

BiteBuddy is an app to help people struggling with eating disorders by improving access to mental healthcare and increase knowledge. Let's take a quick look at the primary features of our reliable friend here.



Feeling lonely in your recovery journey? Use BiteBuddy to connect with your peers and experts in this field!

Feeling lonely in your recovery journey? Use BiteBuddy to connect with your peers and experts in this field!

Get Help

Get Help

Worried about the lack of resources? BiteBuddy introduces you to education and professional support specialized in eating disorders.

Worried about the lack of resources? BiteBuddy introduces you to education and professional support specialized in eating disorders.



Need motivation to make changes? Track your changes visually and have fun with BiteBuddy's reward system.

Need motivation to make changes? Track your changes visually and have fun with BiteBuddy's reward system.

Let's take a look at how I got here.

Let's take a look at how I got here.



01 User Research

01 User Research

Recovering from an eating disorder is difficult. To understand users' challenges during recovery, I conducted semi-structured interviews with 5 participants who were

  • age 18 and older

  • experiencing or had experienced eating disorders

  • willing to provide informed consent for participation

Recovering from an eating disorder is difficult. To understand users' challenges during recovery, I conducted semi-structured interviews with 5 participants who were

  • age 18 and older

  • experiencing or had experienced eating disorders

  • willing to provide informed consent for participation

02 User Research Insight

02 User Research Insights

Lack of Motivation

“I know what I should do, but I just don’t have the motivation…making changes is really challenging.“


“I feel lonely most of the time - I don’t know if other people are really experiencing similar things.”

Lack of Knowledge

“Awareness is the initial step to change. However, I lack knowledge about where I'm at and what I should do."

03 Meet Our Users - Persona

03 Meet Our Users - Persona

Meet Blair! Based on real users and research, Blair represents many struggling with eating disorders.

Blair needs a recovery buddy. They crave an app to track progress, boost motivation, and manage symptoms, ultimately getting them on the road to a healthier life.

Meet Blair! Based on real users and research, Blair represents many struggling with eating disorders.

Blair needs a recovery buddy. They crave an app to track progress, boost motivation, and manage symptoms, ultimately getting them on the road to a healthier life.



01 Initial Concepts

01 Initial Concepts

Turning pain points into solutions! Understanding our users gave me a better idea about the requirement of BiteBuddy's design. I brainstormed several ideas as the initial concepts.

Turning pain points into solutions! Understanding our users gave me a better idea about the requirement of BiteBuddy's design. I brainstormed several ideas as the initial concepts.

Track Changes

Track changes and progress in users' feelings and eating behaviors.

Reward System

Utilize a fun reward system to enhance motivations for users.

Get Support

Join online community to connect, share, and get support. Connect with ED specialists.


Provide educational resources on eating disorders and coping skills, such as articles and exercises.

Track Changes

Track Changes

Track changes and progress in users' feelings and eating behaviors.

Track changes and progress in users' feelings and eating behaviors.

Get Support

Get Support

Join online community to connect, share, and get support. Connect with ED specialists.

Join online community to connect, share, and get support. Connect with ED specialists.



Provide educational resources on eating disorders and coping skills, such as articles and exercises.

Provide educational resources on eating disorders and coping skills, such as articles and exercises.

Reward System

Reward System

Utilize a fun reward system to enhance motivations for users.

Utilize a fun reward system to enhance motivations for users.

02 Design Solution

02 Design Solution



These initial concepts provide an important guideline for me to move forward with solutions to address user pain points. With the first iteration, users can track their progress, increase knowledge, and connect with others through BiteBuddy.

These initial concepts provide an important guideline for me to move forward with solutions to address user pain points. With the first iteration, users can track their progress, increase knowledge, and connect with others through BiteBuddy.

Track Progress

Track Progress

  • Track feelings and progress in a handy and interactive way.

  • Visualize changes throughout the journey to improve motivations.



Feeling Check-in Record

Feeling Check-in Record

Know More About Eating Disorder Recovery

Know More About Eating Disorder Recovery

  • Increase knowledge about eating disorder through articles, videos, and podcast.

  • Exercises for learning coping skills to manage eating behaviors.



Coping Skills

Coping Skills

Form New Connections

Form New Connections

Allow connections with

  • Licensed therapists

  • Other Users

  • A 24/7 AI assistant

Allow connections with

  • Licensed therapists

  • Other Users

  • A 24/7 AI assistant

Multiple ways to form new connections

Multiple ways to form new connections

Options to choose who to talk to

Options to choose who to talk to

Now it's time to put Bite Buddy to the test! I built a low-fi prototype to connect the flow of key features: feeling check-ins, meal logging, community connection, and getting education.

Why low-fi? It lets me test the core user journey early on, identify any roadblocks, and fine-tune Bite Buddy before investing tons of time.

Now it's time to put Bite Buddy to the test! I built a low-fi prototype to connect the flow of key features: feeling check-ins, meal logging, community connection, and getting education.

Why low-fi? It lets me test the core user journey early on, identify any roadblocks, and fine-tune Bite Buddy before investing tons of time.



01 Usability Testing

01 Usability Testing

The usability studies was conducted to gather users' feedback about the low-fidelity prototype. During the session, the participants were asked to perform several key tasks and then share about their experiences with BiteBuddy.

The usability studies was conducted to gather users' feedback about the low-fidelity prototype. During the session, the participants were asked to perform several key interactions and then share about their experiences with BiteBuddy.


6 participants who had issues with eating or showed similar symptoms.


6 participants who had issues with eating or showed similar symptoms.


  • Moderated via Zoom

  • 30 minutes for each session


  • Moderated via Zoom

  • 30 minutes for each session



Participants need an easier way to access past conversations.

Participants hope to archive and retrieve therapists' profiles easily.

Participants need a more convenient way to enter a meal log.

Participants need more positive affirmations and feedback whenever they complete a task.

Participants need an easier way to access past conversations.

Participants hope to archive and retrieve therapists' profiles easily.

Participants need a more convenient way to enter a meal log.

Participants need more positive affirmations and feedback whenever they complete a task.

02 Design Decisions

02 Design Decisions

Usability testing revealed areas for improvement, so I went back to the Figma board. The result? An improved design that perfectly aligns with user needs and delivers a delightful user experience.

I iterated the design according to insights gained from the usability testing. Specific changes were also made to help BiteBuddy be better aligned with users' needs and render a more enjoyable user experience.

03 Improvements in the High-Fidelity Prototype

03 Improvements in the High-Fidelity Prototype

Improvement #1: Easy access to past conversations

Easy access to past conversations

Users can view their past conversations with therapists, the AI friend, and other users no matter what pages they’re at. This feature help better address the user pain point “Loneliness“.

Users can view their past conversations with therapists, the AI friend, and other users no matter what pages they’re at. This feature help better address the user pain point “Loneliness“.

Before usability study: inconvenient to access past conversations.

Before usability study: inconvenient to access past conversations.

After usability study: access past conversations from any page.

After usability study: access past conversations from any page.

Improvement #2: Direct access to therapist directory in the “Community” page

Improvement #2: Direct access to therapist directory in the “Community” page

Therapist directory is included on the "community" page to ensure that users can easily locate therapists there.

Therapist directory is included on the "community" page to ensure that users can easily locate therapists there.

Before usability study: users need to access the therapist directory under “Talk to someone“

Before usability study: users need to access the therapist directory under “Talk to someone“

After usability study: users can directly find the directory in the “Community“ page

After usability study: users can directly find the directory in the “Community“ page

Improvement #3: In the meal log, food categories were added for users to choose

Improvement #3: In the meal log, food categories were added for users to choose

In addition to typing the meal log, users can also select food from the food categories. This allows quicker and easier meal log entry.

In addition to typing the meal log, users can also select food from the food categories. This allows quicker and easier meal log entry.

Before usability study: users can only type when making meal log entry

Before usability study: users can only type when making meal log entry

After usability study: there are existing food options available for quicker and easier entry

After usability study: there are existing food options available for quicker and easier entry

Rewards or positive statements after users finish tasks.

Rewards or positive statements after users finish tasks.

I decided to incorporate a reward system with uplifting messages and growing a virtual tree with every completed task. The more users use Bite Buddy, the more their tree flourishes, reflecting the amazing progress!

I decided to incorporate a reward system with uplifting messages and growing a virtual tree with every completed task. The more users use Bite Buddy, the more their tree flourishes, reflecting the amazing progress!

 Before usability study: no encouragement when users complete an exercise

 Before usability study: no encouragement when users complete an exercise

After usability study: Users get positive messages and rewards for completing tasks or submissions to nourish a visual "Progress Tree".

After usability study: Users get positive messages and rewards for completing tasks or submissions to nourish a visual "Progress Tree".

04 Accessibility Considerations

04 Accessibility Considerations

Input assistance

Users don’t need to type when making a meal log entry - they can select from the existing options.

Multiple medium

Allow multiple ways for users to connect with others, including video, audio, and messaging.


Icons and images are used extensively to aid navigation.

Input assistance

Users don’t need to type when making a meal log entry - they can select from the existing options.

Multiple medium

Allow multiple ways for users to connect with others, including video, audio, and messaging.


Icons and images are used extensively to aid navigation.

05 Key Mockups

05 Key Mockups

BiteBuddy connects users with resources and community and improve self-reflection to aid their eating disorder recovery. Users can use it to record their feelings and behaviors, form new connections, and learn practical skills.

BiteBuddy connects users with resources and community and improve self-reflection to aid their eating disorder recovery. Users can use it to record their feelings and behaviors, form new connections, and learn practical skills.

06 What users are saying

06 What users are saying

As I finished the final design, I shared the prototype with those participants again to gather their feedback. Let's take a look at how users feel about BiteBuddy!

As I finished the final design, I shared the prototype with those participants again to gather their feedback. Let's take a look at how users feel about BiteBuddy!


“Bite Buddy is so special as it can connect us with people sharing similar struggles – without the expense of stigma and our personal privacy.”


“Bite Buddy is so special as it can connect us with people sharing similar struggles – without the expense of stigma and our personal privacy.”


“I’ve been clueless about whom I should talk to… Bite Buddy allows me to access professional therapists and people who can support me.”


“I’ve been clueless about whom I should talk to… Bite Buddy allows me to access professional therapists and people who can support me.”



01 What I learned

01 What I learned

Ditch the Preconceived App!

Starting with a blank slate was tough – I made the mistake of having concrete ideas about the final product in the beginning. However, then I realized that the best features come from solving real user problems. Bite Buddy should focus on what truly matters: empowering users on their recovery journey.

Ditch the Preconceived App!

Starting with a blank slate was tough – I made the mistake of having concrete ideas about the final product in the beginning. However, then I realized that the best features come from solving real user problems. Bite Buddy should focus on what truly matters: empowering users on their recovery journey.

02 If I have more time, I will…

02 If I have more time, I will…

  • Collaborate with mental health professionals to develop professional educational resources exclusive for BiteBuddy

  • Make the rewards system more fun and engaging

  • More customized options

  • Collaborate with mental health professionals to develop professional educational resources exclusive for BiteBuddy

  • Make the rewards system more fun and engaging

  • More customized options

Thanks for your time!

Thanks for your time!

Memoji of a male face smiling
Memoji of a male face smiling