website mockup
website mockup
website mockup


Mini Mountain: Website Redesign for a More Intuitive Booking Experience

Mini Mountain: Website Redesign for a More Intuitive Booking Experience

Turning complicated information hierarchy into an easy streamlined experience.

Turning complicated information hierarchy into an easy streamlined experience.


Mini Mountain Ski School


Mini Mountain Ski School


9 weeks


10 Weeks

Project Team

UX Researcher

Usability Specialist

UX Designer

Project Manager

Project Team

UX Researcher

Usability Specialist

UX Designer

Project Manager



Axure, Figma

Google Workplace

Figjam, Miro



Axure, Figma

Google Workplace

Figjam, Miro



01 Background

01 Background

What's Mini Mountain?

What's Mini Mountain?

Mini Mountain is a local business (Bellevue, WA) that provides accessible indoor and outdoor skiing lessons, along with outdoor activity camps. Mini Mountain has become renowned locally and nationally by providing accessible skiing experiences for families and enthusiasts alike.

Mini Mountain is a local business (Bellevue, WA) that provides accessible indoor and outdoor skiing lessons, along with outdoor activity camps. Mini Mountain has become renowned locally and nationally by providing accessible skiing experiences for families and enthusiasts alike.

Main offerings include:

Main offerings include:

Outdoor & Indoor Skiing Lessons

Outdoor & Indoor Skiing Lessons

Outdoor & Indoor Camps

Outdoor & Indoor Camps

Equipment Rentals

Equipment Rentals

The purpose of this project is to redesign Mini Mountains website to improve the online booking experience while enhancing Mini Mountain's brand identity.

The purpose of this project is to redesign Mini Mountains website to improve the online booking experience while enhancing Mini Mountain's brand identity.

02 My Role

02 My Role

Memoji of a male face smiling

I was involved in every phase of the website redesign, but I took the lead of Information Architecture and Final Design as the UX Designer.

I was involved in every phase of the website redesign, but I took the lead of Information Architecture and Final Design as the UX Designer.

My other contributions includes:

My other contributions includes:

  • Rapid Prototyping

  • Content Strategy

  • Brand Identity Design

  • Moodboard

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Usability Testing Design & Moderation

  • Design Requirement

  • Defining Metrics

  • User Research

03 Challenge

03 Challenge

Challenge=Lack of Digital Presence + Information Clarity

Challenge=Lack of Digital Presence + Information Clarity

Mini Mountain, a family-operated indoor ski center, has been steadily gaining visitors through word-of-mouth. However, there is a pressing need to attract a broader audience through strategic branding initiatives. Moreover, the center has recently encountered a surge in phone inquiries, highlighting the necessity for clearer information and a more streamlined booking process on the website.

Consequently, the primary goal of the website redesign is twofold:

  1. Enhance the brand's digital presence.

  2. Boost online bookings by improving information clarity and user experience.

Mini Mountain, a family-operated indoor ski center, has been steadily gaining visitors through word-of-mouth. However, there is a pressing need to attract a broader audience through strategic branding initiatives. Moreover, the center has recently encountered a surge in phone inquiries, highlighting the necessity for clearer information and a more streamlined booking process on the website.

Consequently, the primary goal of the website redesign is twofold:

  1. Enhance the brand's digital presence.

  2. Boost online bookings by improving information clarity and user experience.

Let's take a look at the current website - what's causing these challenges?

Let's take a look at the current website - what's causing these challenges?

Usability/Accessibility Issues:

  • Large and immovable header takes up most of the visual space on the page

  • Text-heavy content makes customers quickly lose patience.

  • Navigations lacks logic, making it difficult to locate information.

Usability/Accessibility Issues:

  • Large and immovable header takes up most of the visual space on the page

  • Text-heavy content makes customers quickly lose patience.

  • Navigations lacks logic, making it difficult to locate information.

Unclear Brand Identity:

  • Users couldn't quickly capture what's special about Mini Mountain

  • Users were confused about information in the homepage, as it included a wide range of activities without clear information hierarchy.

Unclear Brand Identity:

  • Users couldn't quickly capture what's special about Mini Mountain

  • Users were confused about information in the homepage, as it included a wide range of activities without clear information hierarchy.

Undesirable Website Conversion Rate:

Currently most new customers are acquired through existing customers. The website didn't perform well in attracting unique visitors and convert them into new customers.

Undesirable Website Conversion Rate:

Currently most new customers are acquired through existing customers. The website didn't perform well in attracting unique visitors and convert them into new customers.



The main purpose of our redesign solution is to help the business increase online booking and reduce offline phone inquiries, strengthen the brand identity, and improve the usability of the current website.

The main purpose of our redesign solution is to help the business increase online booking and reduce offline phone inquiries, strengthen the brand identity, and improve the usability of the current website.

Here are some highlights of the changes we made,

Here are some highlights of the changes we made,

Stronger Brand Identity

  • Implemented a visually appealing and contemporary design to effectively communicate Mini Mountain's brand identity, making it ideal for attracting new customers.

  • Using eye-catching stats to visual hierarchy to highlight Mini Mountain's unique brand identity.

  • Included authentic customer reviews to build trust and add credibility.

  • Organized different offerings into clear categories, with a special emphasis on the unique indoor skiing lessons.

Clear Information Hierarchy

  • Intuitive navigation bar allows users to find information quickly.

  • Using visual hierarchy, tables, and icons to reorganize content so that customers can quickly locate relevant information.

  • Replaced long paragraphs with clickable info icons that allow customers to view specific examples of skiing levels instantly.

  • Added detailed profiles for instructors, including names, photos, and credentials, based on user research and usability testing feedback.

  • Included a FAQ section to address common questions and reduced potential calls.

Highlight differences across various offerings

  • Using icons to highlight key features of different lessons/activities offered at Mini Mountain.

  • Clearly separated outdoor and indoor camps outdoor and indoor camps to reduce confusion

  • Provided an at-a-glance view of all offerings for easy comparison and quick decision-making.

  • Retained only the necessary call-to-action buttons to reduce confusion and guide users effectively.

Easy-to-understand Rental Information

  • Presented rental packages in a clear, at-a-glance format for easy comparison.

  • Included clear CTAs to facilitate efficient self-booking for rentals.

  • Implemented pop-up windows to inform users immediately when rentals are unavailable, preventing wasted time on unavailable options.



01 User Research

01 User Research

We need to use research methods that effectively identify key usability issues and areas of improvement. Given that we had less than a week for user research and no time to schedule interviews with Mini Mountain's customers, we decided to analyze website analytics and conduct three usability sessions.

We need to use research methods that effectively identify key usability issues and areas of improvement. Given that we had less than a week for user research and no time to schedule interviews with Mini Mountain's customers, we decided to analyze website analytics and conduct three usability sessions.

02 What User Research Told Us

02 User Research Insights

HIBU Website Analystics

  • People viewed the homepage & indoor ski lessons noticeably the most (53%, 17% of total visited)

  • Calls are mostly about ski lessons and rentals.

  • Also to check up on information they found online, lessons/camps they have booked, reschedule lessons

Usability Testing

Pain-point 1) Unclear organization of content leaves users unsure about the services offered

Pain-point 2) Lacks relevant information and content consistency across pages

Pain-point 3) Confusing booking process from similar buttons (see below)

03 Meet Our Users - Persona

03 Meet Our Users - Persona

Even though we were not able to conduct primary research with Mini Mountain's customers, we organized a meeting with the business owner to better understand the customers based on past user research. By understanding the customer demographics, needs, motivations, and pain points, we developed three distinct personas: Family-oriented Fred, Safety Sara, and Parent Pamela.

Even though we were not able to conduct primary research with Mini Mountain's customers, we organized a meeting with the business owner to better understand the customers based on past user research. By understanding the customer demographics, needs, motivations, and pain points, we developed three distinct personas: Family-oriented Fred, Safety Sara, and Parent Pamela.

Family-Oriented Fred

"Finding the right ski school is not an easy decision - from ensuring safety to confidence building."

Can my family learn to ski together?

Need to search and book ski lessons for the whole family.

Safety Sara

"I’m excited to start learning to ski! Thorough instruction and safety assurance will help me learn confidently.”

What's the safest way to learn skiing?

Need to ask questions about safety.

Parent Pamela

“I just had my third child and want to make sure my other 2 children are entertained and having fun this summer!”

What camps are offered for my kids?

Need to learn about summer camps.

04 From Card Sorting to Information Architecture

04 From Card Sorting to Information Architecture

I took lead of this section because of my interest in translating card sorting results into intuitive information architecture. To dig deeper into how we should redesign the navigation of the website, we leveraged Optimal Workshop to help in a card sorting activity.

I took lead of this section because of my interest in translating card sorting results into intuitive information architecture. To dig deeper into how we should redesign the navigation of the website, we leveraged Optimal Workshop to help in a card sorting activity.

Card Sorting

32 Total Cards to Sort (pieces of website content)

14 Participants


  • Most users grouped the cards into 5 total categories (instead of 7 as shown on the current website)

  • 57% grouped Customer Reviews under "About" page (currently reviews take much space of the lesson offering page)

  • 100% of users separated Lessons and Camps

  • 50% separated Indoor and On Snow Skiing

Based on the results of card sorting, I redefined the information architecture to make the navigation bar more intuitive.

Based on the results of card sorting, I redefined the information architecture to make the navigation bar more intuitive.

Refined Information Architecture
Refined Information Architecture
Refined Information Architecture

Refined Information Architecture

Refined Information Architecture

Navigation Bar Old Version:

  • Took up 40% of the web page even while scrolling.

  • The top 4 visited pages were hidden under one single drop down menu for Lessons and Camps, requiring additional clicks before users are clear on what they are looking for.

Navigation Bar Old Version:

  • Took up 40% of the web page even while scrolling.

  • The top 4 visited pages were hidden under one single drop down menu for Lessons and Camps, requiring additional clicks before users are clear on what they are looking for.

Navigation Bar New Version:

  • An at-a-glance view of the top 4 visited pages (home, indoor lessons, on-snow lessons, summer camps).

  • Align the categories more closely to users' mental models. Reduce the number of key categories down by one.

Navigation Bar New Version:

  • An at-a-glance view of the top 4 visited pages (home, indoor lessons, on-snow lessons, summer camps).

  • Align the categories more closely to users' mental models. Reduce the number of key categories down by one.



01 Defining Design Requirements

01 Defining Design Requirements

To decide on the driving force behind our ideation, I went back to the business, branding, and usability objectives to make sure the design can effectively drive problem solving.

To decide on the driving force behind our ideation, I went back to the business, branding, and usability objectives to make sure the design can effectively drive problem solving.

The business objectives were…

Increase online booking & Decrease excessive calls

To achieve them, we need to…

Help customers quickly understand different offerings and find the right program fit

Our users want to…

Quickly locate relevant information and improve the clarity of information

Business Goals

  • Decrease the number of calls received by 20% within 2 months.

  • Increase the number of online bookings for lessons by 15% within 3 months.

  • Increase repeat visitors who book for lessons by 10% within 3 months.

Branding Goals

  • Increase the number of unique users by 10% within 6 months.

  • Increase Mini Mountain’s brand consistency by ensuring a consistent design across the website.

Usability Goals

  • Achieve 80% Task Completion Rate for people to lessons.

  • Achieve 70% First Click Success Rate.

  • Decrease time on the homepage by 30 sec.

Based on these goals and metrics, our redesign should….

Help the business increase online booking & decrease excessive calls

Help the business increase online booking & decrease excessive calls

Help customers quickly capture different offerings and Mini Mountain's value proposition

Help customers quickly capture different offerings and Mini Mountain's value proposition

Help users quickly locate relevant information through clear information hierachy

Help users quickly locate relevant information through clear information hierachy

02 Low-Fi Sketches

02 Low-Fi Sketches

We created sketches with these design requirements in mind. Our team then organized a meeting to discuss each member's sketches. We prioritized features based on how well they met the design requirements and combined the most useful elements into our mid-fidelity mockups

We created sketches with these design requirements in mind. Our team then organized a meeting to discuss each member's sketches. We prioritized features based on how well they met the design requirements and combined the most useful elements into our mid-fidelity mockups

low-fi sketches of the homepage
low-fi sketches of the homepage
low-fi sketches of the homepage
low-fi sketches of the homepage
low-fi sketches of the homepage
low-fi sketches of the homepage
low-fi sketches of the indoor lesson page
low-fi sketches of the indoor lesson page
low-fi sketches of the indoor lesson page

03 Mid-Fidelity Prototype

03 Mid-Fidelity Prototype

To make sure our redesign can reach the business, branding, and usability goals identified in the early stage, I made sure that the design solutions are closely connected with the needs. This strategy aims to amplify the design impact.

Before: The homepage lacks visual appeal and causes confusion due to scattered and poorly labeled information.


  • The business needs to increase the number of unique visitors and highlight Mini Mountain's unique value proposition

  • The users need easy-to-understand information on different offerings


  • Highlight Mini Mountain’s uniqueness in ONE sentence & THREE eye-catching stats

  • Highlight the age groups included in Mini Mountain's offerings

mid-fi mockup of the homepage
mid-fi mockup of the homepage
mid-fi mockup of the homepage

After: Mid-Fidelity Mockup of the Homepage

Before: The website contains text-heavy lesson descriptions, requiring customers to scroll extensively to read all the information to make decisions.


  • The business needs to reduce the number of calls received.

  • The users need to quickly locate relevant information.


  • Reorganized the website information by using charts and icons to improve information clarity.

mid-fi mockup of indoor lesson page
mid-fi mockup of indoor lesson page
mid-fi mockup of indoor lesson page
mid-fi mockup of lesson page
mid-fi mockup of lesson page
mid-fi mockup of lesson page
mid-fi mockup of rental page
mid-fi mockup of rental page
mid-fi mockup of rental page

After: Mid-Fidelity Mockup of the Lesson and Rentals Page

Now it's time to put our ideas to the test!

From Mid-Fi to Hi-Fi

01 Usability Testing

01 Usability Testing

Using our mid-fidelity prototype, we conducted usability testing with 5 participants (beginner to advanced skiers). They were given 5 scenarios and 10 tasks to complete across the site. Through this testing, we identified areas for improvement as well as aspects that worked well.

The usability studies was conducted to gather users' feedback about the low-fidelity prototype. During the session, the participants were asked to perform several key interactions and then share about their experiences with BiteBuddy.




  • 3 participants wanted more details on taking lessons as a family

  • 2 participants indicated the FAQ sections were missing some key questions (e.g. lesson cancellation policy)

  • 3 participants clicked on “Book Now”, hoping to find more information on lessons


  • 5 participants rated themselves as familiar to very familiar with Mini Mountain’s offerings after interacting with the mid-fidelity prototype

  • 5 participants mentioned how they were able to easily find information using the top navigation bar


  • 3 participants wanted more details on taking lessons as a family

  • 3 participants wanted more details on taking lessons as a family

  • 3 participants wanted more details on taking lessons as a family


  • 5 participants rated themselves as familiar to very familiar with Mini Mountain’s offerings after interacting with the mid-fidelity prototype

  • 5 participants mentioned how they were able to easily find information using the top navigation bar

02 Iterative Changes

02 Iterative Changes

I worked closely with other designers to translate user feedback in the next design iteration. Below are some key changes we implemented to make the lesson booking experience more efficient and intuitive.

I iterated the design according to insights gained from the usability testing. Specific changes were also made to help BiteBuddy be better aligned with users' needs and render a more enjoyable user experience.

Allow users to know key information efficiently


Almost all the participants wanted more information on how to take lessons as a family, safety, and refund policy.


I added specific callouts addressing key information on the lesson page.

Reduce the possibility of missing key lesson information


More than participants hope to get more lesson information by clicking on "Book Now", while in fact it redirected them out of the primary site to the booking site instead.


We replaced the "Book Now" button with "Learn More", so that participants get can detailed information before booking a lesson.

Final Design

Final Design

01 Final Mockups & Prototype

01 Final Mockups & Prototype

With less than a week to implement the changes and hand off the design, we prioritized incorporating the most essential updates into the prototype. After our class presentation, I took additional time to refine the design and prototype based on feedback received during the presentation. The prototype can be accessed below:

With less than a week to implement the changes and hand off the design, we prioritized incorporating the most essential updates into the prototype. After our class presentation, I took additional time to refine the design and prototype based on feedback received during the presentation. The prototype can be accessed below:

I also refined the final mockups. See full screens here:

I also refined the final mockups. See full screens here:

To see the design highlights, please go back to the overview section.

To see the design highlights, please go back to the overview section.



Outcomes & Reflection

Outcomes & Reflection

















What feedback we received…

What feedback we received…

We presented the final design in our class, and here's some feedback we got from other designers:

We presented the final design in our class, and here's some feedback we got from other designers:


“I really like how the solution goes back to the goals and the existing problems. This makes the design decision more persuasive."


“I really like how the solution goes back to the goals and the existing problems. This makes the design decision more persuasive."


“The information architecture is insightful - it really demonstrated how to translate card sorting results into intuitive information architecture.”


“The information architecture is insightful - it really demonstrated how to translate card sorting results into intuitive information architecture.”

01 Obstacles we faced

01 Obstacles we faced

Working around limitations with Activenet

Working around limitations with Activenet

Mini Mountain used an internal booking system like Activenet. This system restricted our capacity to redesign critical components such as the registration process and the user profile page, thereby hindering our efforts to create a more seamless and user-friendly interface.

Mini Mountain used an internal booking system like Activenet. This system restricted our capacity to redesign critical components such as the registration process and the user profile page, thereby hindering our efforts to create a more seamless and user-friendly interface.

Limited access to real users

Limited access to real users

Lastly, due to scheduling conflicts, we had limited access to real users for testing. Consequently, we had to resort to conducting usability tests with our peers. While this provided some valuable insights, it limited our ability to gather feedback from the actual target audience.

Lastly, due to scheduling conflicts, we had limited access to real users for testing. Consequently, we had to resort to conducting usability tests with our peers. While this provided some valuable insights, it limited our ability to gather feedback from the actual target audience.

02 What I would have done differently

02 What I would have done differently

  • Start looking for real users right away to increase chances of scheduling them.

  • In the current project, we mainly engaged with the owner of Mini Mountain. If I do this again, I would have involved more stakeholders in the process, including those currently engaged with the website and other staff members. This approach ensures a more holistic perspective of the problem and allows for more thorough ideation of design solutions.

Thanks for your time!

Thanks for your time!

Memoji of a male face smiling
Memoji of a male face smiling